Wednesday, 29 June 2011

WIG? - Place.


Today I went back to working on the collages of the Memphis and Liverpool images which i had a look at early on the my first week here. They already had one collage for the header of a webpage for the project but they need 2 more. I've been looking through the images I'm allowed to use an been carefully removing the backgrounds from some of the and picking out bits that would be great for the collages.

Cutting them out was the hardest part, creating the collages afterwards was more straight forward. The project is about the two cities being almost twins and it's about the music scene focusing primarily on the Beatles. The collages wont be using any Beatles imagery but instead are focussed on the similarities of the cities for example architecture and travel.

I've had the idea of using a 'mirror' aesthetic apposed to the tidy mess collages that are more typical. When I say mirror i mean that one side would be images of Memphis and the other of Liverpool to create the idea that the cities are reflecting off each other. This gives the compositions a good structure of symmetry and provides a good consistency in the visuals as a set despite the fact that they will be use separately across three webpages.

Here's what i have so far. I'm not very keen on the first three but they were made before I had the mirrored idea.

These are vectored sunburst shapes that I made which was a suggestion from Rob. I've only applied them to one of the collages so far but I'm going to make more compositions to see what works best but I think its safe to say that the three above are far better than the first three.

Later in the evening Rob and I went to The Short Project where the talk would be given by Peter Saville and Macolm Garrett was going to be held, the project was quite secretive and it was difficult to understand was it was all about. When we arrived they gave us different coloured wristbands which allowed you into different areas which seemed quite restrictive. After being confused and restricted for about 40 minutes we left as it would be another 2 hours before the talk. 

Although it was shame to miss the talk we did however go to an old pub in Manchester and saw some people do some stand up poetry readings which was interesting. The event was run and organised by Bad Language which is a small sort of company project which has published 3 books of poetry and short stories which get submitted to them through a website. The books had some interesting illustrations on the cover so it was nice to see how this low key company was getting people involved and who did the artwork.

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